
Karak wants to introduce ‘universal restaking’ for everyone

A universal restaking layer designed by the Andalusia Research laboratories team owns surfaced from stealth to launch its mainnet today. Karak is a pitfall security layer-2 blockchain solution that simplifies the process of issuing economic security through restaking.

The issuer is based in San Francisco and Abu Dhabi. It before provoked $50 million at a $1 billion assessment from financiers compeling Coinbase, Mubadala — an Abu Dhabi Sovereign Wealths Pointers — Lightspeed, Bain Resources, Pantera Resources, Framework Endeavors and others.

Raouf Ben-Har, the co-owner of Karak, educated Blockworks that Karak was designed to resolve the worry of fragmented crypto-economic security in the place, which was derailing startups from locating first victory with their projects.

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“They were struggling to bootstrap their super own economic security and suffered from highly dilutive payoff gizmos, which was dismal, specifically for indispensable infrastructure prefer footways, oracles and other infrastructure layers,” Ben-Har said.

Thereby, Ben-Har and his co-owner Drew Patel despondent to invent a universal layer of matter on applicable throughout any software schedule. This would most clearly make it feasible for designers to bypass the necessitate to overture from scrape and guard against being constrained exclusively to Ethereum for security quantifies.

“We recalled Karak as the fulcra to unlocking this brand-modern era of modern technology. Tantamount to how AWS rendered it basic and affordable for designers to access and build on the cloud, we longed to render it basic and affordable for designers to access and build on any matter on network,” he said.

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According to Patel, there are similarities between EigenLayer and Karak, in the fingering that both groups are makeup a laying tactic that enables other projects to access economic security to infrastructure layers.

“Tantamount to EigenLayer, Karak owns its super own iteration of AVSs dubbed Substantiation-as-a-Company, or VaaS,” Patel said. “Singularly, unalike EigenLayer, which enshrines itself solely on Ethereum, Karak positions this notion of universal security, or restaking for everyone, where any person can lend crypto-economics with any asset on any chain.”

Ben-Har news that the security of a restaked tactic is traditionally measured by the dollars that underlie its economic security. Wearing Karak, this medians that these dollars can be issued by assets past ETH without discarding security.

“Several assets have marginal method rates versus ETH, definition the [VaaS] owns an less complicated and a stack a stack more justifiable route to eco-pleasant acknowledges,” Ben-Har said.

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Ben-Har clarifies that in an ETH-single feel, the AVS would most clearly have to compete against every ETH abandonment method with a brand-modern, novel pitfall account — something that is not eco-pleasant without airdrop speculation.

“There are billions of untapped assets, prefer stTIA, ARB, and innumerable others, with uncomfortably few abandonment avenues to invent eco-pleasant flywheels for VaaS makeup in their ecosystem,” he said. “Each ecosystem is unalike and owns its super own incomparable proceedings that will most clearly invent unalike VaaSs designed on optimal of their assets. There is zero one-dimension-accommodates-unanimously for every chain.”

The team chits that they are presently trying out with unalike means to usage the xERC20 criterion and assorted article footways to lessen liquidity fragmentation throughout liquid restaked tokens. They hope that this will most clearly make it feasible for them to invent a universal liquidity layer throughout chains to lessen offer-last offer mismatches.

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